Sprint Safe-Sprint Proud
Sprint Sand & Clay, L.L.C. considers no phase of operation or administration as being of greater importance than accident prevention. It is the policy of this company to provide and maintain safe working conditions for our employees, clients and all those with whom we work.
believe in the dignity and importance of the individual employee and
the right to derive personal satisfaction from his or her employment,
and performing at a high level. Our cultural belief is that accident
prevention and efficient production go hand-in-hand.
All levels of
management within our company have a primary responsibility for the
safety and well-being of all employees. This responsibility can be met
only by continuously promoting safe work practices among all Sprint Sand
& Clay employees and to properly maintain our mining operations and
equipment to ensure they are in a safe operating condition.
are proud to have served the Greater Houston Area for over 30 years and
have become the largest supplier of Sand & Clay construction
materials in the State of Texas with over 25 active mining operations.
Over time, we have observed employees perform many different tasks
associated with our day to day operations and have created controls that
enable safe work principles. Through many years of experience we have
developed methodologies that focus on the relationship between the
employee, the task and the work environment for every job we perform.
We have qualified site managers, many of which have been with the company for years. They themselves are safety qualified and ensure our employees adhere to the safety standards established by this company. Our Safety Due-Diligence and continued commitment to excellence affords us the opportunity to remain Sprint Safe & Sprint Proud!

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