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Joe Swinbank & Don Poarch - Partners & Owners of the Sprint Companies

Don and Joe began their partnership in 1976 with a passion for service and hard work, and a $100,000 SBA loan. Sprint Sand & Gravel was the first of the Sprint Companies and the proving ground for most of the core values that define the current businesses.

Throughout their 30-plus year partnership, they have built, acquired and operated a variety of service-oriented businesses across a wide range of industries. From waste services to sand mining and real-estate ventures, the experience Don and Joe have gained from each of their businesses has helped them strategically grow the Sprint Companies. Understanding the needs of the market place and utilizing their entrepreneurial instinct has allowed them to uncover many new opportunities.

Serving the community is an integral part of the Sprint Mission. Don and Joe both feel a strong tie to the community, and over the years, they have donated time, resources and money to various organizations throughout the Greater Houston region.

Don serves as Director of the Bank of Houston, Commissioner of Keep Houston Beautiful and is an active member in the community. Additionally, he is a member of the University of Texas Ex Student Association and a member of the Lakeside Country Club.

Joe serves as Director of Vista Bank in Houston. He is also an active member of the Texas A&M University Former Student Association and a member of the Lakeside Country Club.

Both are members of Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church.

In 1974, Don received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas. That same year, Joe earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University.

A horizontal border image of sand, gravel, and dirt
Central Dispatch: 281-277-5404

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